Proficient Data Analyst with 11+ years of overall experience including 5+ years of expertise in Data pipeline,data exploration and python scripting. Effective communication and time management skills, Collaborates well across technology. Excels at solving complex problems.
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Skills and Jobs Match using NLP
NBA data analysis to find if Defense wins Championship
US Gun Deaths Analysis for the duration 2012-1017
SQLAlchemy for Weather Analysis
Climate Analysis and Data Exploration is done for the Climate database created using SQLite. Python and SQLAlchemy are used for the purpose.
For this project, the tables are created to hold data from Employee CSVs, import the CSVs into a SQL database, and answer questions about the data.
Finding Weather across the world
A Python script is created to visualize the weather of 500+ cities across the world of varying distance from the equator.
Data is analyzed to show how 4 potential treatments ((Capomulin, Infubinol, Ketapril, and Placebo) for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) compare in a study conducted for 250 mice treated over a course of 45 days.
project analyzes the data of most recent fantasy game Heroes of Pymoli using Pandas and Numpy libraries.
Python script has been created for analyzing the financial records of a company contained in a csv file.